I Miss you

2008 April 30

Created by Laura 16 years ago
Every day gets harder and harder. I miss you so much Harrison and would do anything to have you back here where you belong,With me. I want to be able to hold you again and give you a kiss, bath you and sing twinkle twinkle to you as you go to sleep. I want to see you pulling all the CDs off the shelving unit and your cheeky grin but I CAN'T. All I can do is go over our memories and time together in my head and sit and look through photo's off you. Everyone thikns I am coping really well, What do they know. Every morning I get up and put a brave face on pretending that I am ok when I'm not. All I want to do is scream out loud that I miss you and I'm not coping. Every second of every day I fight back my tears, keeping my feelings bottled up inside. I have to be strong, I have to carry on for Ellie-May. She misses you so much as well. She keeps your memory alive every day talking about you. Harrison I miss you so much and wish I couls climb the stairs right up to you. I live for the day when we meet again and I can hold you close to me asnd read your favourite story to you. I love you Harrison xxx
